
FFF Foundation

Faith Family and Friends Foundation is a nonprofit organization dedicated to improving and enhancing quality of life for cancer patients and their families In the Rio Grande Valley.


Eddie Vela

FFF Foundation was founded by Eddie Vela, a Border Partrol Agent that had a rare and incurable cancer known as Apendiceal Carcinoma. Read More...

Get Help

Anyone affected by cancer can apply. Applications are reviewed on a monthly basis, usually the first week of the month. At this time a maximum of $1000 will be distributed a month.

NOTE:  Preference will be give to Rio Grande Valley Border Patrol Agents and their family, Rio Grande Valley citizens, and persons seeking non-traditional cancer treatments.

Eddie Vela


FFF Foundation

In October 2009, Eddie Vela, a US Border Patrol Agent from Mission Texas, formed the Faith-Family-Friends Foundation. The decision to form this Foundation came after he was diagnosed with Appendiceal Adenocarcinoma (Cancer of the Appendix and entire abdominal cavity) in June 2009. The nature of this specific cancer is very aggressive and in most cases, the ability to treat this cancer is limited at best. 

Eddie's hope was to raise awareness for Appendiceal Adenocarcinoma and other cancers of the abdomen. As well, to raise funds to help Border Patrol Agents and other Rio Grande Valley Citizens who have similar incurable cancer diagnosis. Eddie Vela lost his battle with cancer on October 29, 2010 but not without a rigorous fight.  Eddie, along with the Foundation and its Board Members would like to help others have the best fighting chance possible.


Please contact Brandy Vela at 210-710-9148 if you are interested in donating or send it by MAIL. You can also Send us a message.

How You Can Help


Upcoming Event

6th Annual Faith, Family and Friends Foundation Golf Tournament

4th Annual FFF Golf TournamentJoin Us!

Contact US

Board Of Director members:

Maritza Ramirez - President
Adrian Olivarez - 1st Vice Relations Chair
Roman Esqueda
Jorge Gonzalez


Marla Munoz-Lopez -Secretary
Maritza Esqueda-Treasurer

If you want to send me a message, you can use this form:

Enjoy Life

"Life is good. I have learned to enjoy life everyday, cherish it, and it doesn't have to be quantity but quality." Eddie Vela -May 13, 2010

Live in the moment!

We dont know how STRONG we are until being strong is the only CHOICE we have.